A Writer's Playground

Monthly Activities for Kids by Linda Martin Andersen

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F is for Full, Half Full…(Part 2 of 2)

Posted by lindamartinandersen on April 7, 2016

A Writer's Playground Fotosearch_u17996074


A Writer’s Playground–a place to find wordplay, writing prompts, reasons to celebrate, and monthly calendar activities for kids and those young at heart  “F is for Full, Half Full…(Part 2 of 2)” by Linda Martin Andersen

This month I’m sharing photos and blog posts from A-Z.  I’m excited about trying something new.  I hope you’ll stop by often throughout the month.

Check out the participants for the April (2016) Challenge.  There are plenty to choose from http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/

Close up of gas gauge. Copyright 2016. Linda Martin Andersen

Close up of gas gauge. Copyright 2016. Linda Martin Andersen

F is for Full, Half Full…(Part 2 of 2)

We all know the expression “Is the glass half full or half empty?”  Today, I’d like you to focus on “F–F is for Full, Half Full.”

What does full look like in your life? Half full?

How do you celebrate the full moments?  Do you give thanks?  What about the half full ones? And now for an even bigger challenge:  can you celebrate or give thanks even on half empty or empty days?

Is it possible to move from full to empty in the same day?  Likewise, is it possible to move from empty to full in the same day?

Do you know the expression “rock bottom” or  “hit bottom?”  http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/hit+bottom

Here’s a motivational video about hitting rock bottom:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yBU1ELFXfk

If an experiment proved… that half full and half empty are equal measures, which description would best describe how you approach life? What is your perspective?  Do you lean toward the negative or the positive?  If you tend to lean toward the negative, would you want to change that?  How could you?

In yesterday’s blog post, I stated that “Some people’s circumstances appear to be half empty at best and yet they seem happy or are doing their best to get on with their life.  What’s their secret?” https://lindamartinandersen.wordpress.com/2016/04/06/e-is-for-empty-half-empty-part-1-of-2/

I hope this two-day series has you looking at Empty/half empty and Full/half full in a different light.  I’d love to hear your comments.

What “F” words come to mind for you? I hope you’ll share why they’re special to you.

Thank you for visiting “A Writer’s Playground.”  Come again soon and bring a friend. Please leave a comment.  Remember that children 13 and under need an adult to comment for them.  For more fun, sign up to follow my blog.  Thank you!

12 Responses to “F is for Full, Half Full…(Part 2 of 2)”

  1. I’ll never see the letters E and F the same! “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thess 5:18. It’s hard to be thankful for a half-empty cup, but yet it’ll change our perspective about what we are receiving. Thanks for this post.

    • Carol,
      Thanks so much for adding scripture to this post. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 is a perplexing one, but one I am holding onto more and more each day. I’m glad the letters E and F have a new importance in your life. What a great compliment to receive. Most appreciated.

  2. Joan Y. Edwards said

    Dear Linda,
    It always seems more encouraging to think of a cup as half full. However, humanity steps in every once in a while and makes it seem like a depressing situation!

    May we all feel like we have an abundance of all that we need and that God’s graces will be sufficient to get us through on very little.

    Never Give Up

    • I love your outlook, Joan. Yes, half full does sound more encouraging. If we can only keep our head wrapped around the positive notion. We are blessed in many ways and reminded of it often. Thanks so much for commenting during a busy time in your life. You’re such a good friend.

  3. Anita said

    You have some pretty interesting stuff for the A-Z challenge, Linda! 🙂 Though I’m not participating, I look forward to your next ones!

  4. For most of us, there is always someone who has more troubles than we do. I’m a half-full to full kind of person. There’s always something else to learn and someone new to meet.
    As for as f words, how about fantastic, forgiven, fragrant, and foreseeable? Or filibuster, foresight and frosted? This is such fun, speaking of f words.

    • Sarah,
      Yes, it’s easy to find someone who has it worse than we do. I like that by learning new things or meeting new people you help keep your cup full. Great ideas. Make that Fantastic ideas–one of your “F” words. I love your long string of “Fs.” And not a word of profanity in the bunch. 😉

  5. I have always looked at the glass as being half full. I try to see the positive in every situation. I think that there is good in everything bad, we just have to look for it. As for an F word…first one that came to mind was Family.

    Plucking Of My Heartstrings

  6. Love how you tied in E and F. I look at life half-full…well, almost to the top. I find my joy in the Lord. Now that’s not to say I don’t have dreary days, Linda. ❤️

    • Thanks for the compliment about tying E and F. I like that you view life over half full. I can believe that about you! Your smile could melt away and dreary day. Remember that. Smile through it! What a beautiful gift from God and for you to share with the world.

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