A Writer's Playground

Monthly Activities for Kids by Linda Martin Andersen

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Happy New Year! Will You Be a Mover and a Shaker in 2015?

Posted by lindamartinandersen on January 1, 2015

A Writer's Playground Fotosearch_u17996074“Happy New Year!  Will You Be a Mover and a Shaker in 2015?”

I’ve been helping my sister and niece move to a new home and the expression “movers and shakers” came to mind.  I was definitely a “mover.”  I hope I won’t be remembered as a “shaker,” as in rattle-rattle, was that glass?

If you’d like to check out the real meaning of “movers and shakers,” check here:  http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/movers-and-shakers.html

What about you, will you be a mover and a shaker in 2015?  Will you accomplish things that make you proud?

And your response:  Certainly!  Of course!

Here are some fun celebrations for January.  Perhaps you can start with traditional New Year’s Day foods and choose a few other celebrations to enjoy this month.  The complete list of January events can be found at http://www.brownielocks.com/january.html

 January is…

Book Blitz Month  How many books can you read in a month?  Reminds me of  “How low can you go” when doing The Limbo.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limbo_(dance)  In this case, it’s how high a stack can you read?  What’s tops on your list?
Get Organized Month  Straighten, shuffle, do things more efficiently, and better.  How will accomplish this?
International Brain Teaser Month  What type brain teasers do you like to do?  In my mind, writing and illustrating for publication counts.  Do you agree?
Learn to Ski and Snowboard Month  Our older son took skiing classes while in college.  It was the best money we ever spent on physical education courses.  Do you ski? 
National Hot Tea Month Someone gave me a special hot tea mug once.  Now, that’s a serious hot tea drinker.  Are you?
National Skating Month  Spotlighting Tara Lazar and her upcoming publication, as announced here: http://taralazar.com/2012/06/21/ryan-gosling-makes-a-book-announcement/

illustrated by Troy Cummings
Random House
October 2015

National Soup Month Link  What’s your favorite soup?  Have you tried something new lately?  We’d love to hear about it. 
National Volunteer Blood Donor Month  Always needed and appreciated. 
Oatmeal Month  Do you eat oatmeal?  I like mine with raisins.  
Teen Driving Awareness Month 
My niece just got her driver’s permit.  Makes this one personal to me.  Do you know a teen driver?  How can you show him or her support and courtesy?

Special Weeks in January:

World Leprosy Week: 25-31 Joyce Hostetter wrote a book called Healing Water.  Learn more about it here:


Joyce Moyer Hostetter - Healing Water Book Cover
Healing Water
This is the story of Pia, a thirteen year old Hawaiian boy who is banished to the Kalaupapa leprosy settlement. Like so many others in the settlement he is in a fight for survival.  He finds he must choose between anger and forgiveness, goodwill and hatred.

National Cowboy Poetry Gathering Week: 26-31 Gather your favorite poetry books.  Invite friends to bring their favorites.  Sit around a fireplace and take turns sharing.  That’s a deviation on a cowboy poetry gathering.

US National Snow Sculpting Week: 28-2/1  Snow sculptures are amazing sights.  What would you like to sculpt with snow?  Why?

Special Days in January:
Argyle Day: 8  What is argyle?  Research to learn more about it?  Have you ever owned an argyle sweater?
Bubble Bath Day: 8 Do you shower or bathe?  Bubble bath or plain?  Favorite brand?  
Rubber Duckie Day: 13 Do rubber duckies join you in your bath?  Other tub or shower favorites?
Dress Up Your Pet Day: 14 Do you dress up your pet?  Only at Halloween?  On a regular basis?  Share about it.
Appreciate A Dragon Day: 16  Would you rather have a real or pretend dragon?  Why?  What is your favorite dragon story?
Cable Car Day: 17  Name three words that come to mind when you hear this.  If you can’t name three, research this topic, just for fun.  
Kid Inventors’ Day:  17  What would you like to invent?  Why?
Thesaurus Day: 18  Online or hardcopy?  Which do you prefer?  When do you use a thesaurus?
Martin Luther King Day: 19  How will you honor Martin Luther King’s influence on civil rights?
Popcorn Day: 19 I love popcorn.  Do you eat it at the movies, as a snack at home, or some other time?  Have you ever popped it in a big commercial popcorn popper?  Tell a popcorn story of your own.
Tin Can Day: 19  Why do you think this day is significant?  What is used today instead of tin?
Inauguration Day: 20  Have you ever watched a presidential inauguration?  What was special about it to you?
National Hugging Day: 21  Who or what would you like to hug?  What is a tree hugger?

Squirrel Appreciation Day: 21  Dogs like to chase squirrels.  People like to watch them.  Some even hunt them to cook squirrel stew.  What’s a squirrel story you could share?  Any favorite books with squirrel characters? 
National Pie Day: 23 
 Have you ever participated in a pie throw?  What is your favorite experience with a pie throw?  Do you bake pies?  What is your favorite.  Bake one today!
Belly Laugh Day: 24 When did you belly laugh last?  What made you laugh?  Did you cry tears too?
National Compliment Day: 24  What was one of your most treasured compliments?  Why?
National Peanut Butter Day: 24 What is your favorite way to eat peanut butter?  Try a different way today.  I recently tried it with pretzels.  Good!
Opposite Day: 25  Play a modified version of April Fool’s jokes today.  Say the opposite of what you mean.  Then call out, “It’s Opposite Day.” 

National Peanut Brittle Day: 26  Have you ever made peanut brittle?  I love eating it.  To me, it’s like potato chips, in that “it’s hard to eat just one.”
Holocaust Memorial Day: 27 Have you ever visited a Holocaust memorial?  What books have you read on this topic?
National Puzzle Day: 29 What type puzzles do you like?  Crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, life’s puzzles (real and in fiction stories)?  Tell about your favorite.
Seeing Eye Dog Day: 29  Like to read dog books?  Look for one on this topic. 
Inspire Your Heart with Art Day: 31  Do something artsy today.  How about every 


Here’s wishing everyone a super start to a brand spanking new year!  I’d love to hear your comments.  Thanks for visiting. Come again and bring a friend. 

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22 Responses to “Happy New Year! Will You Be a Mover and a Shaker in 2015?”

  1. Joan Y. Edwards said

    Dear Linda,
    Thanks for the fun blog post. It’s interesting how movers and shakers meaning has changed through the years.
    It has a positive note that each of us can move and shake things around in our favor with a lot of persistence, sweat, and taking one step at a time!

    I wonder what the job “apprentice to a squirrel” entails? Learn the best places to store nuts. Interesting.

    Celebrate you!
    Never Give Up

    • Yes, being a mover and a shaker does carry a more positive meaning these days. Yay. Moving and shaking things around in our favor sounds like a winning attitude for achievement. Like it. Thanks for your spin on it.

      About the squirrel comment…I don’t think I can keep up with a squirrel. You’d have to be super fast to earn that apprenticeship! Maybe that’s why a squirrel’s nuts are safe! Thanks for the humor!

      Enjoy every day of 2015! I certainly enjoy having you here.

  2. So great that you shared about Joyce’s book. I don’t know about movers and shakers. I just want to get closer to creating a publishable book. DOes that count? Happy New Year, Linda!

    • Carol, the content of your writing qualifies you as a mover and a shaker in my opinion, as well as your approach to the project. Shake, shake, rattle, rattle! 😉 Celebrate your writing and your life!

  3. Janis Silverman said

    Thank you, Linda. I wish you and your family the best year ever.

    I DO have plans for 2015. I just need to shake off the flu. Then when I get my energy back, I am sending out proposals for a book I’ve been working on.



    • Janis,
      Get well soon. I hope that flu bug bites the dust soon! He’s made too many people sick! I look forward to hearing more about your book proposal and book you’ve been busy writing! Best of luck to you! Thanks for commenting even when you’re very under the weather.

  4. Happy New Year, Linda
    As always, you provide inspiration.
    Day 17 – I would like to invent more hours in a day. 🙂

    • Tracy,
      Even if you could invent more hours in a day, that probably still wouldn’t be enough time to get in all you want to accomplish. You push yourself so hard. I know it and so do you. 2015 is going to be a great year. Yes, I believe it! Thanks so much for commenting! Always a pleasure to see your smiling face.

  5. June said

    I wrote a story about a squirel which,I’m still working on. There use to be a squirel that would come up on our deck. He’s stare right at me,but if I opened the deck door he would take off.
    Thank you for your newsletter, Happy New Year! May all your dreams come true.

  6. You are surely a treasure trove of info! Thanks for sharing Healing Water and World Leprosy week! And all that other stuff – Tin Can Day! Reminds me of that childhood game – Kick the Tin Can – I played with older brothers so was at a huge disadvantage. Seemed like once I was IT I couldn’t get away from being it. They kept kicking the can before I could catch everyone.

    • Joyce,
      It’s always my pleasure to spotlight your writing! Thanks so much for commenting. I’m still one of your biggest fans. Keep writing!

      Kick the Tin Can–haven’t thought of that in years. Do you think SCBWI-C should include it as a break-out session?

  7. Kathleen said

    Happy New Year Linda! I have been the shaking rattler of broken glass in a move before…much better to be a mover 🙂 I will have to add having peanut butter and a good ol’ belly laugh when I celebrate my birthday on the 24th! 🙂

    • Kathy,
      Thanks for the warm greetings. Right back at you! Always great to hear from you!

      Sorry to bring back memories of breaking something in a move. It happens!

      Happy upcoming birthday. Celebrate! What a great way to be remembered on your birthday–a young lady eating peanut butter and enjoying a good ol’ belly laugh! I’ll have to see what fun combination of calendar events my birthday brings in May. See how creative you are!

  8. Laura said

    I’m going to favorite this post so I can look back and see all the fun things to celebrate this month. Hot tea? Yes! Squirrels? Absolutely! I’ve got a work-in-progress I’m hoping to draft and revise this year. May we all have lots to celebrate as we work. 🙂 Happy New Year!

  9. Squirrel Appreciation Day January 21st. I know what I’m posting. I have two squirrel drawings to pick from. Hmmm…

  10. Tim,

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