A Writer's Playground

Monthly Activities for Kids by Linda Martin Andersen

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Just Jot It January #28–Serendipity

Posted by lindamartinandersen on January 28, 2016

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“A Writer’s Playground”–A place to find wordplay, writing, and monthly calendar activities for kids and those young at heart.”

“Just Jot It January #28–Serendipity” by Linda Martin Andersen

I accepted a challenge for January: Just jot a note and submit.  I can’t participate every day this month, but I will join in when I can.

I decided to create a theme to write about:  I chose “celebrate.”

Today, I celebrate serendipity.


Serendipity is one of my favorite words to twirl around in my mouth and feel on my lips.  Zippy do da does the same thing for me.

Have you ever run into someone you hadn’t seen in years, who had special connections that could benefit you, just when you were feeling overwhelmed with a major transition in your life?  Well maybe not that exactly, but things just fell into place in an expected way?  Well, those are my examples of serendipity for today.

Finding the word serendipity…

This morning I read one of my favorite blogs and I found the word “serendipity.”   I hope you find the word too and you find serendipity in your day as well.

Poetryaction and Bookalikes for P. Zonka Lays an Egg

Writing Prompts:

  1. When have you experienced serendipity? Please tell us.
  2. What are your thoughts on “luck.” Do you believe in it?  Explain.
  3. Do you believe good things are more likely to come by luck or hard work?  Tell about it.

Thank you for visiting “A Writer’s Playground.”  Come again soon and bring a friend. Please leave a comment.  I’d love to hear what you’re celebrating today.  Remember that children 13 and under need an adult to comment for them.  For more fun, sign up to follow my blog.  Thank you!








Just Jot It January 28th – Serendipity



12 Responses to “Just Jot It January #28–Serendipity”

  1. Serendipity (which is a lovely word, I agree) or the Lord’s providence? Guess it depends on your theology!

  2. Hi Linda, I don’t believe in luck, I believe in God arranging or rearranging my circumstances and putting in a ton of hard work.

  3. Joan Y. Edwards said

    Dear Linda,
    I do like the sound of the word, “Serendipity.” It rolls around in your mouth and gives you a happy vibe.

    I believe that God shows us the path to good luck and leads us to our goals. Although many things are God’s favors for us, some things require us to take action on our behalf.

    I hope good luck follows you and hangs out with you all day today.

    Never Give Up

    • Serendipity is a pretty word and represents so pretty amazing happenings in people’s lives. I know your faith is strong, as is mine. I glad we have it. God leads us through life and life’s work. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on how it all works.

  4. Kathleen said

    I experienced serendipity when I attended an SCBWI Carolinas conference a few years ago and ate dinner with a wonderful fellow writer friend for the first time named Linda :). Who then introduced me to another fellow writer named Joan. Although I also categorize it as a Blessing ❤

    • Kathy,
      What a wonderful way to be remembered. Thank you. I will make sure Joan knows of this too. You are a dear lady and one I am so glad I met. Thanks for sharing this!

    • Joan Y. Edwards said

      Dear Kathleen,
      I am very blessed that Linda introduced us to each other. You are an amazing woman. I love knowing you. Linda Andersen is also an amazing woman. You both have character traits that I admire!
      Thanks to both of you for being my friend!


  5. Joan,
    Thanks for commenting about this great response from Kathy. Thanks for calling us amazing women. Add yourself to the group. Thanks for being my friend with awesome character traits.

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